"Friend in February" by PETER THABIT JONES, Swansea (Wales). "Anthology of Friendship", Fine Art Photo by ADEL GORGY, New York

Anthology of Friendship, by Adel Gorgy (after Van Gogh - Starry Night)
Anthology of Friendship, by Adel Gorgy (after Van Gogh - Starry Night)



"Cross-Cultural Communications Art & Poetry Series Broadside"







(for Patricia)



Sleep is a train

That you missed tonight,


And now your mind

Is a junkyard


Of broken feelings.

Lit up like the dawn,


Your thoughts are late creatures

Seeking deep holes.


Your wintered heart beats

For tomorrow’s cold pulse.


And somewhere beyond

Your lonely house,


Quick tongues dig for love

And forests fall for kings.



 --Peter Thabit Jones



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