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Aeronwy Thomas, 2006
Aeronwy Thomas, 2006

Aeronwy Thomas

Charter Member of Immagine & Poesia


Aeronwy Bryn Thomas-Ellis (3 March 1943 – 27 July 2009) was the second child of the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas.

Born in London, where her parents lived at the time, she was named for the River Aeron. In 1949, the family moved to the Boat House, Laugharne, Carmarthenshire, Wales. After her father's death in 1953, she and her mother went to Rome, later moving to Sicily. She learnt Italian and became a translator of Italian poetry. She was also known as an ambassador for her father's work, and as a patron of the Dylan Thomas Society. Visiting professor in schools and universities in the U.K. and abroad, in the late ‘90s she was very popular with the students of Giuseppe Perotti School in Torino, Italy for her "creative writing" courses. In 2007 she became President of IMMAGINE&POESIA (Image and Poetry), the international artistic literary movement founded at Teatro Alfa, Torino, Italy.

Aeronwy Thomas died in 2009 in New Malden London, aged 66.





Aeronwy Bryn Thomas Ellis (Londres, 3 mars 1943 - Londres, 27 juillet 2009) est une écrivaine et poète anglaise, fille du poète gallois Dylan Thomas et de la danseuse Caitlin MacNamara.



Aeronwy Thomas a été la porte-parole de l'oeuvre de son père et la directrice de la Dylan Thomas Society. En 2003 elle a reçu le doctorat « honoris causa » de L'Université de Swansea (University of Wales). En 2007 elle est devenue Présidente du Mouvement artistique littéraire Immagine & Poesia (« Image & Poésie » en français).









Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Lawrence Ferlinghetti




Lawrence Ferlinghetti (March 24, 1919) - February 22, 2021)  American poet, painter  liberal activist,  and the co-founder of City Lights Boooksellers & Publishers. Author of poetry, translations, fiction, theatre, art criticism, and film narration, he is best known for A Coney Island of the Mind (New York: New Directions, 1958), a collection of poems that has been translated into nine languages, with sales of over 1 million copies. Since 2009 he has been in the Honour Committee of Immagine & Poesia.





Lawrence Ferlinghetti ( 24 mars 1919 - 22 février 2021) est un poète américain, bien connu sous les auspices du co-propriétaire de la  librairie City Light Books, et d'une maison d'édition du même nom qui a fait paraître les travaux littéraires des poètes de la Beat Generation, y compris Jack Kerouac et Allen Ginsberg.

 En 2009  Ferlinghetti est devenu  Membre Honoraire du mouvement artistique littéraire Immagine & Poesia.






Ugo Nespolo

Honour Committee of Immagine & Poesia




Ugo Nespolo (born at Mosso, Biella on August 29, 1941) is an Italian painter and sculptor, particularly known for his experimental films,  his applied art works and his artistic collaborations in advertising, theater and literature.


Nespolo graduated at the Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti of Turin under Enrico Paulucci and obtained a degree in Modern Literature at the University of Turin, with a thesis on Semiology.

His career as an artist started in the 1960s and his work was influenced by Pop Art, which was becoming popular in Italy in those years, Conceptual Art,  Arte Povera and Fluxus, movements that he learned to appreciate during his frequent trips to the United States. After the first trip in 1967, he continued to regularly visit the States, where he spent long periods especially during the 1980s. Irony and transgression were part of his art and since then, and will characterise also all the rest of Nespolo's work in the years to come. Since 2010 he has been in the Honour Committee of Immagine & Poesia.




Piatto di Ugo Nespolo, 1995
Piatto di Ugo Nespolo, 1995


Ugo Nespolo (Mosso, 29 agosto 1941) è un pittore e scultore italiano.


Ottiene il diploma  all'Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti ed in seguito si laurea in Lettere moderne mostrando grandi interessi per la semiologia.

Esordisce nel panorama artistico italiano negli anni sessanta con contaminazioni della Pop Art e con una stretta militanza con concettuali e poveristi. La sua produzione si caratterizza presto per forte accento trasgressivo, ironico e quell'apparente senso del divertimento, doti che si presteranno alla "tela cinematografica" esplorando presto, negli anni settanta, anche questo mezzo di espressione.



Gli anni ottanta concretizzano la maturazione più apprezzata del suo periodo americano, i suoi quadri rappresentano oggetti e luoghi comuni delle città statunitensi.


Negli  anni novanta  affianca alle sue numerose attività l'impegno nel Teatro realizzando scene e costumi per L'elisir d'amore  di Donizetti  al Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, all'Opera di Parigi, Losanna, Liegi e Metz.


Il passaggio di secolo segna per l'artista una tappa fondamentale, a lungo desiderata e cercata: la realizzazione del "suo" atelier (realizzato in prima persona all'interno di una fabbrica abbandonata della sua Torino) che, come uno scrigno prezioso, avvolge e contiene le sue creazioni, i suoi "giochi tecnologici", i suoi affetti più cari.


Dal  2010 fa parte del movimento artistico letterario Immagine & poesia in qualità di socio onoraio.


Ugo Nespolo vive e lavora a Torino.






Representatives of the Movement

Alejandra Miranda, La Paz, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Alejandra Miranda, La Paz, Entre Ríos, Argentina

Argentina: Alejandra Miranda, La Paz City, Entre Ríos


Alejandra Miranda was born in Buenos Aires City, Argentina. In 1987 finished the National Fine Arts School “Prilidiano Pueyrredon” as Drawing and Painting National Teacher. During 1988 and 1989 studied in Multimedia and Experiment Workshop, by Prof. Alfredo Portillos, in Superior School of Arts “Ernesto de la Cárcova”.

Alejandra Miranda, together with the artist Jorge Macchi, establish a Child Art Workshop, in the “Martinez Permanent Educational Center” from 1984 to 1990. In 1987, she took part in the Board about Education, in the First Inter American Lecture about Aboriginal People.

During 1988 taught “From Prehistory to Post Modernism”, in “Romulo Raggio Foundation Museum”, Vicente López City. From 1988 to 1994 taught painting to teenagers and adults in her Workshop in Martínez, Buenos Aires.

At the moment, she lives in La Paz City, Entre Ríos, Argentina, is studying an after-degree (Visual Arts) in the Litoral University.  She  teaches in theoretical and practical workshops about Visual Arts Fundamentals, with special emphasis on the development of the creativity.

She participated in national and international exhibitions, in Uruguay, Japan, Belgium and Germany since 1985 until now. Her works take part of private collections in Buenos Aires and abroad, (San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Mexico, Santiago de Chile, Barcelona, London, Athens, Prague, etc.)


Alejandra Miranda is one of the representatives of Immagine & Poesia in Argentina.






Armenuhi Sisyan, Armenia

Armenia: Armenuhi Sisyan, Yerevan


Armenuhi Sisyan- writer, poet,  professor of Armenian language at Yerevan State Medical University.

Her works  are translated into  11 languages: English, Japanese, French,  Italian, Chinese, Polish, Russian, German, Persian, Spanish and  Albanian languages.

Member of  Writers’ Union of Armenia.

Board member of  International Writers Association Pjeter Bogdani  in Brussels (IWA). 

Member of Japan Universal Poets Association, (JUNPA), Kyoto.

Author of  8 books.

Her stories and poems  widely anthologized, frequently appear in top Armenian literary journals and published in different literary magazines and anthologies abroad.

In 2012 օne of her stories ’’The Handbag’’ was awarded among the best stories of the year.

In 2013 April her book “Hey, Noah!” was the 2-nd among 10 bestsellers in Yerevan.

In 2016 her book ''Longing  For 1000 Years'' was awarded to the Poetry Prize of 2016.

In 2018  received  the Prize of  the Writers Union of Armenia  and Ministry of  Defence  of  Republic of Armenia.

In 2018 received the prize of 2018 of International Writers Association ‘’Bogdani’’ in Brusseles  for high performance, quality and humanity in literature.

Participant of different international literary festivals and programs in

Vienna,  Switzerland, Italy, Armenia.

In 2018 was invited  to Japan to ‘’Kyoto Poetry Reading 2018’’ Festival.


Her translations of Anglo-American poetry of XX century  from English into Armenian were published in the “World Literature" quarterly. Her poems have been translated into several languages, including Italian (

Armenuhi Sisyan is the representative of Immagine & Poesia in Armenia.






Caroline Magerl, Queensland, Australia
Caroline Magerl, Queensland, Australia

 Australia: Caroline Magerl, Queensland


Caroline Magerl is an award-winning and internationally distinguished illustrator, cartoonist and painter, who is recognised as a unique and arresting presence. Her work spans from dark, enigmatic oil paintings, through incisive cartoons, to lively children’s book illustrations. It has been exhibited in a variety of galleries and art fairs and celebrated in numerous publications.

She is a representative of Immagine & Poesia in Australia.






 Terane Turan Rehimli, Baku, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan: Terane Turan Rehimli


 Dr. Tarana Turan Rahimli is an Azerbaijani poet, writer, journalist, translator, literary critic, teacher, academic, is an active member of the International Literary Agency in Turkey and Azerbaijan. She is a PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of Azerbaijan and World Literature Chair of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, author of 7 books and more than 400 articles. She is the editor and reviewer of 20 monographs and poetry books.The work has been published in more than 15 Western and Eastern countries. She is works were published in Azerbaijan, England, Italy, Spain, USA, Germany, Belgium, Chile, Turkey, Russia, Romania, India, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tatarstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kocova, Bosna-Hersogovina and other countries. Poems and articles have been published in many international sites around the world, on periodicals and in anthologies.

She is the Representative of Immagine & Poesia in Azerbaijan.





R. Gopakumar, Bahrain / India/
R. Gopakumar, Bahrain / India/

Bahrain and India: R. Gopakumar, Kerala, India

R. Gopakumar
a contemporary artist from India resides in Bahrain. He is working in both traditional and digital mediums.  His works have been exhibited in many international exhibitions and got place in many reputed International Galleries such as Yoko Ono's Wish Tree at the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Kinsey Institute Art Gallery permanent art Collection, Indiana University, USA; Immagine & Poesia Seat, Torino, Italy.

“I am not a traditionalist, questioning the social condition of  society. To achieve this, I use Visual Arts but not bothered of Forms, Color, Medium etc.” R.Gopakumar

In 2010 he was  appointed Representative of Immagine & Poesia for Bahrain/India.






Hassanal Abdullah, Bangladesh
Hassanal Abdullah, Bangladesh

Bangladesh: Hassanal Abdullah


Hassanal Abdullah, poet, novelist, critic, translator and the author of 21 books including 11 collections of poetry, was born in a village of Gopalgonj, Bangladesh. From the beginning of his writing career, he established his own tone and voice. He has introduced sonnets with rhyming scheme abcdabc efgdefg and seven lines stanza pattern. He calls them Swatantra Sonnets, the second edition of the book with the same title was published in 2004. He also published a novel (1994), and a textbook on Bengali rhetoric and prosody, Kobitar Chhanda, (Bangla Academy, 1997), which has got it's 2nd edition published in 2011 by Mowla Brothers. All of these were written in Bengali and published from Dhaka, except the bilingual collection, Breath of Bengal(2000), which was published by Cross-Cultural Communications, Merrick, New York, and was translated into English by Nazrul Islam Naz, a British-Bengali poet. Hassanal is the editor a bilingual (Bengali-English) poetry journal, Shabdaguchha, which is also available on the web: He regularly contributes to the major newspapers and journals published from Dhaka and Kolkota. He also contributed to some poetry magazines in the United States, such as LIPS, Paterson Literary Review, Poetrybay, Medicinal Purposes Literary Review, Asbestos, and Long Island Sound etc. He has been honored as the 'Centerpiece Poet' in the Year's End Issue, 2001, of the Medicinal Purposes Literary Review. Hassanal has also participated in various readings in the NYC area, including Barns and Noble bookstores, as a Feature Poet.

He is the represenative of Immagine & Poesia in Bangladesh.



Bangladesh: Masudul Hoq

Masudul Hoq (1968) has a PhD in Aesthetics under Professor Hayat Mamud at Jahangirnagar University,Dhaka,Bangladesh. He is a contemporary Bengali poet,short story writer,translator and researcher. His previous published work includes short stories Tamakbari(1999), The poems Dhonimoy Palok(2000) , Dhadhashil Chaya which translated version is Shadow of Illusion(2005) and Jonmandher Swapna which translated version is Blind Man’s Dream (2010),translated by Kelly J. Copeland. Masudul Hoq also translated T.S. Eliot’s poem , Four Quartets(2012), Allen Ginsburg’s poem, Howl(2018), from English to Bengali. In the late 1990’s for 3 years he worked under a research fellowship at The Bangla Academy. Bangla Academy has published his two research books. His poems have been published in Chinese, Romanian ,Mandarin, Azarbaijanese, Turkish, Nepali and Spanish languages. At present he is a Professor of Philosophy in a government college, Bangladesh.

He is one of the representatives of Immagine & Poesia for Bangladesh.

                             Germain Droogenbroodt, Belgium


                              Belgium: Germain Droogenbroodt



Germain Droogenbroodt,was born in the Flemish part of Belgium but lives already 28 years in Altea, a picturesque Mediterranean city in Spain. He is a worldwide appreciated poet, invited yearly at the most famous international poetry festivals. His poetry is many-sided. Starting with nature poetry and a collection of love poems, his countless journeys in the East lead to philosophic poetry, published so far in 25 countries where he received several international awards as a poet, translator and promotor of poetry. He wrote so far eleven poetry books. Germain Droogenbroodt is also a translator, publisher and promotor of modern international poetry. In Belgium he founded in 1984 POINT Editions (POetry INTernational) publishing in Dutch translation modern poetry from all over the world.





Queen Eden Soriano Trinidad, State of Birland

Birland: Queen Eden Soriano Trinidad

State of Birland Prime Minister

From The Philippines

Queen of the Ohanaeze Kingdom Worldwide

Queen of the Monarchy of Birland


She is an educator, poet, translator, international humanitarian and peace leader. The University of the Philippines (UP) Institute for Creative Writing and the Freelipiniana Online Library (FOL) published five of her books and works. She has participated in numerous International and local anthologies,literature programs and International Literary and Humanitarian Conferences. Her selected poems are featured on the full page in Haiphong weekend, Văn Nghệ Newspaper, Nhat Le Vietnam literary magazine, China National Newspaper,  POETRY Magazine, Science Herald, First World Daily Poetry in Macau, Weixin, Atunis Galaxy and Inner Child Press Anthologies. She has translated 5 epic books of famous international authors and countless poems of different foreign poets  and ITHACA Poems of the Week. She is the Founder of Unity World Peace Poets and Poets of Birland.


Cristiane Campos, Ubatuba, Brazil
Cristiane Campos, Ubatuba, Brazil

Brazil: Cristiane Campos, Ubatuba


"I was born with natural talent for painting. in spite of not having studied arts in an official school, I have been reading and obtained knowledge, because it is my life.
Art is for me a bridge to show to my world emotions.

Eu nasci com talento natural para pintura. apesar de não ter estudado artes em uma escola oficial, eu tenho lido e obtido conhecimentos, porque é minha vida.
Arte é para mim uma ponte para mostrar ao mundo minhas emoções." 

Cristiane Campos' paintings have been shown in solo or group exhibitions since 1991.

She is the Representative of Immagine & Poesia in Brazil.





Damien Blue, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Damien Blue, Yaoundé, Cameroon

Cameroon: Damien Senyuy, Yaoundé    



Nyuyse Damien Senyuy also known as Damien Blue is an Artist- Musician.

From an early age he has always had an inclination to paint, draw, write, sing and dance. As a teenager he found that through his art he could communicate and form relationships with people who viewed and looked at his works. He would be asked questions about what he had created and this would give him an opportunity to introduce them to the world of artistic expression and explain his ideology. In 2005 his works attracted an international artist called “Angu Walter” who gave him a scholarship to study art and also be his mentor. Later in 2009 he graduated and operated his own art gallery.
As a contemporary artist, he uses a couple of different art forms and mediums with master touches to bring his imaginations to life. You truly get a nice sense of humor in his paintings as he paints on themes interpreting our everyday life. Resident in Cameroon-central Africa, Damien's paintings now have an international recognition with sales and deliveries from online, USA, Germany and from his home based Art Gallery in Cameroon.

His Art has also drawn the attention of international bodies like the University Of New South Wales Australia that used his painting as a significant figure for a music course. The walker Primary school in UK has taken on a three year project to use his art as focus to inspire and educate their 6year old pupils from 2013. He has been an ambassador from Cameroon to Jordan international art exhibition to help people living with cancer, Art and Peace Festival in Brazil, Cameroon representative of Art Nations in Germany, and now he also just took the responsibility to represent the Immagine and Poesia movement in his Country, just to name a few. He also runs his own non-profit organization called “Visionary Art world foundation” which operates more on doing voluntary art therapy with people living with disabilities, street children and art lovers.
Apart from painting; Damien Blue is a singer, guitarist and songwriter. His ability to sing in English, French, German and dialect is one of Damien's great characteristics.
His music is full of creativity, energy and beautiful Afro jazz melodies from his 2010 album titled “Angale”. His multi lingual songs and colors have a great universal appeal.


"It's a double pleasure for me when someone can locate his or her self in any of my works of art"

 Damien Blue






Huguette Bertrand, Québec, Canada
Huguette Bertrand, Québec, Canada

Canada: Huguette Bertrand, Québec





Huguette Bertrand is a French-Canadian poet and editor, born in Sherbrooke (Québec), Canada. She has been writing french poetry for 30 years and has published 33 poetry books. Her poetry printed books are listed in Canadiana and their digital edition pdf and epub formats can be downloaded for free in the digital collection of Library and Archives Canada. Since 2001 twelve (12) of her poetry books in french can be downloaded from the digital library Project Gutenberg, USA. Her poems were also published in many poetry journals and anthologies, in Canada, France, U.S.A., Romania, Wales (U.K.), India, and on many websites the last 20 years.  Besides her publications, she participated to poetry shows, book shows, exhibition of her poetry on photos in Québec, in France and Norway, gave workshops in Quebec and France. She is the representative of the international movement IMMAGINE & POESIA in Canada and editor of digital anthologies for this said movement.


Official website :

Wikipedia :




Huguette Bertrand est une poète et éditrice Franco-Canadienne, née à Sherbrooke, (Québec) Canada.  Elle écrit de la poésie depuis 30 ans et a publié 33 livres de poésie. Ses livres imprimés figurent dans Canadiana et leur édition numérique en formats .pdf et .epub se retrouvent dans la collection électronique de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.  Depuis 2001, douze (12) de ses recueils de poésie figurent dans la Bibliothèque virtuelle Project Gutenberg, U.S.A.  Ses poèmes ont aussi été publiés dans plusieurs revues et anthologies dans divers pays (Canada, France, U.S.A., Pays de Galles, Roumanie, Inde) et sur de nombreux site web depuis ces 20 dernières années. Outre ses publications, participation à des récitals de poésie, salons de livre, dédicaces; expositions de ses poèmes avec photos et tableaux au Québec, en France et en Norvège; animation d’ateliers de poésie au Québec et en France. Elle est la représentante canadienne du mouvement international IMMAGINE & POESIA et éditrice des anthologies numériques pour ce même mouvement.


Site officiel :

Wikipedia :


Glória Sofia, Cape Verde

Cape Verde: Glória Sofia 



Glória Sofia, 1985, graduated from the University of Azores. Invited to Harvard University, Tufts Univ and B.U. for reading and conversation. Appointed for Rolex M.P.A. I. Her poems are translated in more than 15 languages. She usually attends poetry festivals. She  represented her country Cape Verde in VIII Conference Literature UMass Boston. Glória Sofia is the Representative of Immagine & Poesia in Cape Verde.

Chile: Tamara Valdovino

Nacida en Concepción, Chile en 1973.Vivió toda su niñez y adolescencia en Alemania, Berlin. A los 20 años regresó a Chile. En el año 2004 es egresada de la Escuela de Bellas Artes de Viña del Mar, obteniendo el 2006 su titulo de Maestría en Arte (especialidad Grabado). Hoy está dedicada al dibujo, grabado y pintura.


"Mis trabajos en general salen de una inquietud del misterio que se encuentra en la naturaleza, traspasar las fronteras de lo que podemos ver objetivamente. En este juego de lo objetivo-subjetivo, me dejo llevar hacia lugares asombrosos, siendo la técnica del Grabado, junto al dibujo y la pintura mi fiel acompañante, que me permiten lanzarme a esos espacios de misterio, en medio de mis queridos Bosques. El arte me permite indagar en lo que en la vida real me interesa bastante que es descubrir otra realidad. No pretendo ser un gran artista sino con el tiempo una mejor persona y si esto lo encuentro a través del camino que es el arte..."

China: James Tian 田宇, Tai'an

James Tian,Tianyu. His works have been published in more than 50 newspapers and magazines in China and abroad and have been translated into many languages.

The International Culture Publishing Company published the monograph “The light in the sky” Tianyu modern poetry anthology, Sichuan Nationalities Publishing House published “Tianyu lyrics anthology”, China Ground Publishing House published “Tianyu lyrics anthology 2” and other books.


Since 2018 he has been awarded with prestigious prizes of excellence. He is the main organizer of Zheng Xin International Poetry Award.

 James Tian is one of the Representatives of Immagine & Poesia in China.



China: Anna Keiko, Shanghai


Anna Keiko  Currently living in Shanghai. Member of Shanghai pudong writers association. She is founder and chief editor of the Shanghai Huifeng literature Association and also Chinese representative and director of the international cultural foundation ITHACA.
Her poetry has been published in more than 20 languages, including the United States, France, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Canada, India, the Philippines, Romania, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, Chile, Japan, Peru, Poland and Iceland in more than 70 newspapers and magazines. She was invited and participated at several international poetry festivals, such as the 2nd Chalkida International Poetry Festival in Greece in 2019, the 7th Mihai Eminescu International Poetry Festival in Craiova, Romania, The International Poetry Festival in Santiago de Chile. In Rumania she was awarded the Mihai Eminescu College Medal and received a certificate of honor at the poetry, painting and music event in Curtea de Arges, the King Bashab Nigo medal. Her recently in English and Chinese published poetry anthology ?The language of deep sleep” has been greatly appreciated in China and abroad. The Chinese version was published by the Shanghai literature and Art Publishing House and broadcasted by the Shanghai People’s Broadcasting Station. In 2019, she won the bronze award of the first Zuolong and Right Tiger Cup International Poetry Competition”, as well as several times the excellence award of the Shanghai Citizen’s Poetry Festival competition. Anna Keiko also wrote poetry criticism, prose, essays, lyrics, drama, essays,etc . Anna Keiko is one of the Representives of IMMAGINE & POESIA in China

Maria Del Castillo Sucerquia, Barranquilla

Colombia: Maria Del Castillo Sucerquia


Maria Del Castillo Sucerquia (Barranquilla, Colombia in 1997) is a bilingual poet (Spanish and English), short story writer, proofreader, mentor, oriental medic (Neijing, Spain), ancient Chinese language student and translator (from English, Italian, Portuguese, French, German, Greek, and Arabic).
Her poems have been published in national and international anthologies, journals, websites and magazines, and have been translated into Kannada, Bangla, Arabic, Greek, Italian and English.
She has participated in national and international festival, recitals and webinars (Filogicus, Libresta, María Mulata, Bharatha Vision, Azahar, Atunis Poetry, El Heraldo, Muelle Caribe, Crisol, Uttor Kota, Sol y Luna, Sabdakhunja, Sangkranti and other).
Actually, she collaborates with translating and literature criticism in several literature magazines as Altazor (Chile), Cardenal (Mexico), Cronopio (Missouri), Mood (México), El Golem (Mexico), Palabrerías (México), Revista Digital de Artistas (Buenos Aires), Vive Afro (Colombia), and other. 

Maria Del Castillo Sucerquia is the Representative of Immagine & Poesia in Colombia.

Boris Pecigoš, Zagreb, Croatia
Boris Pecigoš, Zagreb, Croatia

Croatia and Slovenia: Boris Pecigoš, Zagreb, Croatia 


Boris Pecigoš (b. 1974 in Zagreb, Croatia) discovered his talent for painting at age of 31, when he went to the art workshops led by Andrea Weiss Sadeh. 

Andrea’s approach to painting and teaching painting is unique, based (along with instruction on the basic art elements and techniques) primarily in developing how to perceive one’s inner self and its expression through the brush strokes.

This approach meant a lot because of  Boris’ intuitiveness and sensibility, and he could find the possibility of self-development and engagement with the inner world of emotions, conflicts, desires and longings, as well as the expression of his enthusiasm with nature and its energy flows.

 He mainly uses vivid colours applied directly from the tube (impasto) and rapid and intense brush strokes or palette knife strokes to express his emotions and inner world or to abstract nature or figures. That is why his paintings are felt more than watched by eyes and mentally analyzed.

He is at the last year of academic studies in painting at the Arthouse - College of Visual Arts in Ljubljana, Slovenia.


He is the representative of Immagine & Poesia in Croatia and Slovenia.





Robert Fürbacher, Trutnov, Czech Republic
Robert Fürbacher, Trutnov, Czech Republic

Czech Republic: Robert Fürbacher, Trutnov



Robert Fűrbacher was born in 1970 in Trutnov (Czech Republic).
From 1988 to 1992 , Robert studied free art academy in Rotterdam (Netherlands ), under guidance of an academic painter / teacher Mr. Willem Koelewijn.This was followed by many styles of paintings ( Pop Art, Impressionism , graphics ... ). V mid-nineties, Robert " discovered" the secret of abstract art.First with mixed feelings , then with great enthusiasm.

 "It was the rediscovery of mine own creation, instead of permanent control on the creative process ,total freedom,which was liberating for me."

He participated in many group exhibitions in the Netherlands . He  had more than 40 personal exhibitions up to today (Netherlands,Czech Republic, Belgium and Poland)

His works belong to many private collections.

"I mainly use acrylic paints,oil paints and various natural materials and that all mix together.Images are created from more than 20 transparent layers. I'm inspired by my inner world,and trying with my work,to show another perception."


 Robert Fürbacher is primarily an abstract painter , whose paintings are full of vibrant color wide range of shades. The paintings carry a certain mystique and magic. They speak to us through the artist's vision of the world , which sounds somewhat exotic. Looking at work from his colorful paintings radiates warmth and rainbow mood takes us on a subjectively positive feelings of harmony, whose achievement is one of the artist's main objectives.


He is one of the representatives of Immagine & Poesia in the Czech Republic.  




Egypt: Amirah AL Wassif

Amirah Al Wassif is a freelance writer from Egypt.

She has written articles, novels, short stories poems and songs. Five of her books were written in Arabic and many of her English works have been published in various cultural magazines. She has 2 published English books: For those who don’t know chocolate and The Cocoa Boy and other stories.

Amirah At Wassif is the Representative of IMMAGINE & POESIA in Egypt.

Helina Million, Ethiopia
Helina Million, Ethiopia

Ethiopia: Helina Million, Addis Ababa



Helina Million Bogale was born in 1984 in Ethiopia, “a land of endless culture, music and languages", according to her own words.
She attended The Sandford English Community School, which allowed her to point out her two personalities and so she was able
to switch from the Ethiopian way of life to the western one.
During her educational training Helina met the world of Art and through Art she understood it was possible to overthrow all the barriers of superficial differences.

Helina is a self-taught artist.

One of her works has been exhibited in New York.

Helina Million is the representative of Immagine & Poesia in Ethiopia.

  “ My life is my greatest inspiration, after all, I can only paint
what I know . My work  is a depiction of my ordeals, my sorrow, my anger , my exhilaration, my pensive thoughts.
But I also find inspiration in everything I come across, my latest being the human body.

The media I work with are: oil paint, water color , pencil, crayon,
and pastel. My work is handmade from scratch.
I wish to achieve a lot in art , I wanna break barriers and learn everything that’s out there.”







Ismo Jokiaho, Tampere, Finland
Ismo Jokiaho, Tampere, Finland

Finland: Ismo Jokiaho, Tampere



Ismo Jokiaho was born in 1965 in a Saarijärvi in the middle of Finland. Currently he lives in Tampere working as an artist. He began to paint when he was about twenty after a  crucial trip to different European art museums.  He graduated in 1992 in Cultural Studies and Arts at the University of Joensuu and he started to paint regularly.

His works and pictures are usually made in ink and oil colors.
He usually works with traditional tools, brushes, oils, canvases, paper etc.
He works by adding  broad outlines of the material and color, and if necessary, he takes them away, again and again – as long as the work starts to communicate and responds to his suggestions. It is characteristic  that he respects also the so-called “damages” and “coincidences” as part of the process.
As an artist he tries to transfer the understanding and feeling of the unspoken onto a paper or canvas and dissolve the division between the practice of different cultural forms and the practice of painting.
According to his opinion, painting is  freedom to seek, explore, change direction and eventually find something touching and relevant.

Ismo Jokiaho’s works have been shown in solo and group exhibitions since 1986.

He is the representative of Immagine & Poesia in Finland.







Sandrine Davin, Grenoble

France: Sandrine Davin


Sandrine DAVIN est née le 15/12/1975 à Grenoble (FRANCE) où elle réside toujours.

Elle est auteure de poésie contemporaine inspirée des tankas, elle a édité 13 recueils de poésie dont le dernier s’intitule « Et pour quelques grains de terre » chez TheBookEdition.

Ses ouvrages sont étudiés par des classes de l’enseignement primaire et au collège où Sandrine intervient auprès de ces élèves. Elle a ce goût de faire partager la poésie au jeune public et de donner l’envie d’écrire. 

Elle est également diplômée par la Société des Poètes Français pour son poème « Lettre d'un soldat ».

Sandrine Davin est une répresentante du Mouvement IMMAGINE & POESIA  pour la France.


Mar Thieriot, France, Canada, Brazil

France: Mariana Thieriot Loisel


Born in Brasil, issued from both French and Brazilian culture  Mar Thieriot ( Mariana Thieriot Loisel) was raised in Brazil during her childhood, than moved to France, where she did all her studies from graduated scholl to her Master and DEA in Philosophy and Education.  Back to Brazil for her research studies she concluded a Ph.D between French and Brazilian Universities about Education, Culture and Society. She has both  brazilian and french citizenship. She moved to Canada in 2008 for her post doctoral studies about human mutations. She is also a painter and a poet, her first poetry was published at the age of twelve. Since than her major ambition was to become a poet, as she sees poetry as deep way to relate with beauty and truth.

Mariana Thierot Loisel est une répresentante du Mouvement IMMAGINE & POESIA pour la France.



Aleko Batashvili, Tbilisi,   Georgia.
Aleko Batashvili, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Georgia: Aleko Batashvili, Tbilisi


Aleko Batashvili was born in 1962 in Tbilisi, Georgia. He studied in State Academy of Art. Since 1985 he has participated at exhibitions in Galleries over the world. Member of the IFA (international Federation of Artists), film director, made TV movies, TV programmers about Art & performance, member of the Association of painters & Sculptors in Israel.

He is the representative of Immagine & Poesia in Georgia.



1981-1987 - Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Tbilisi, Georgia

1989-1993- All-Union Institute of Cinematography, Moscow, Russia



2002- Member of the International Organization Film Directors’ Guild

1996- Member of the Association of painters and Sculptors in Israel

1989-1993-Member of International Federation of Artists IFA (UNESCO)



2012- The founder and the exhibition  organizer   of gallery “AMADEO”

Solo exhibitions

 2010- “Ancient History”, Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi History Museum

 2006-2002 - Tel-Aviv Cinematek Exhibition Hall, Israel.

 2002-2006 Korin Maman History Museum, Israel.





Heike Schmidt (Blue Moon), Germany
Heike Schmidt (Blue Moon), Germany

Germany: Heike Schmidt, Stuttgart



Heike Schmidt loves experimenting with colours. She mixes many of her paints herself using pigments. The artist considers the preparation of the paint, experimenting with the proportions of the pigment mixture and binder to be not only preparation but already part of the artistic process leading from the idea through the creation to the completion of the works.

In terms of contents, the artist deals with the basic questions of our existence, the genesis of the earth and our universe. Her works belonging to the series ‘Galaxie’ and ‘Dream World’ in particular, demonstrate the artist's longing for the infinity of our being and may be interpreted as snapshots of the genesis of the universe and the birth of the galaxies. She shows through colour, canvas and the use of technical aids how gases condense, mix with other elements creating new matter which is ever-changing through a variety of influences.

Heike Schmidt preferably works with the colour blue, the colour of longing and infinity. For the series ‘Dream World’ the artist extended her colour palette including red and green.

Heike Schmidt lives and works in Stuttgart.

Since 2008 her works have been shown in exhibitions in Germany, Austria and The Netherlands.

Heike Schmidt is the representative of Immagine & Poesia in Germany.





Eva Petropoulou-Lianou, Greece


Greece: Eva Petropoulou-Lianou, Xylokastro


Eva Petropoulou-Lianou was born in Xylokastro, Greece. Initially she loved journalism and in 1994 she worked as a journalist for the French newspaper "Le Libre Journal" but her love for Greece won her over and she returned in 2002. He has published books and eBooks: "Me and my other self, my shadow" Saita publications, "Geraldine and the Lake elf" in English - French, as well as "The Daughter of the Moon", in the 4th edition, in Greek - English, Oselotos publications. Her work has been included in the Greek Encyclopedia Haris Patsis, p. 300. Her books have been approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, for the Student and Teacher library. Her new books, “The Fairy of the Amazon Myrtia" dedicated to Myrto with a disability, and" Lefkadios Hearn, Myths and Stories of the Far East ", illustrated by Sumi-e painter Dina Anastasiadou, are released in 2019.
She has recently published her book," The Adventures of Samurai Nogas san " in English by the publishing house OntimeBooks, based in England. Collaborates with the electronic literary magazine The poet magazine. She is  partner of International Literary Union based in America. Collaborates for the promotion of literature and promotes the work of Greek poets. Eva is a member of the "Association Alia Mundi Serbia", the "International Society of Writers and Artists of Greece" and the "Piraeus Society of Letters and Arts" as well as the Corinthian Writers Society.
Ambassador of creativity and art of association Mille Minds of Mexico
International Ambassador of e magazine Namaste, India.
Ambassador of creativity and art Mexico representing Greece. 
Counsellor Advisor for web e literary China.
Free lance journalists with Polismagazino.
She is one of the representatives of Immagine & Poesia in Greece.



Foteinh Xanidielh, Greece
Foteinh Xanidielh, Greece

Greece: Fotini Hamidieli, Veria


Fotini Hamidieli

was born in 1957 in Greece. She studied painting in Rhode Island School of Design in the U.S.A.(1975-1978) and then attended the college’s European Honors Program in Rome (1978-1979).

She has been exhibiting since 1978 with fourteen solo shows most of them in Thessaloniki and in Athens.

She has participated in more than eighty group shows mainly in Greece but also in the U.S., Germany, Italy, Hungary, Spain and Turkey.

She is a member of the Visual Artists Union of Northern Greece and works as an art teacher in a secondary education school. Being very interested in children’s art I does volunteer work in the city’s public library developing art workshops for kids. Her work has been published in several literary books, magazines and catalogs and it is part of private and public collections.


Fotini Hamidieli is one of the representatives of Immagine & Poesia in Greece.




Marianna Venczák, Hungary
Marianna Venczák, Hungary

Hungary: Marianna Venczák , Budapest


Artist, since 1993 graphic artist, illustrator, painter. Each picture is made with mixed technique of own development: waterproof ink, aquarelle, cold enamel. National Association of Lovers of Art - Member of Presidency From 2002. Member of the National Association of Fine Arts


Since 2000: Collective Exhibition each year at the Pataky Community Centre in Budapest, Hungary .

Her works have been shown in exhibitions in Hungary and abroad. 

Marianna Venczák  is the representative of Immagine & Poesia in Hungary.









India: Suchismita Ghoshal 


 Suchismita Ghoshal - West Bengal  is a professional writer, published author, internationally acclaimed poet, literary critic, literary influencer, content writing member for WEST BENGAL UNITED NATIONS YOUTH ASSOCIATION, INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION OF UNITED NATIONS VOLUNTEERS & HELPING HAND INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION. With more than 520 coveted co-authorship in various renowned national & international anthologies, prestigious literary magazines, websites, webzines and eminent literary journals, she fosters to carry forward her literary career in a more prominent way. She has also authored 3 poetry books by the name of "Fields of Sonnet", " Poetries in Quarantine" & "Emotions & Tantrums". 

Awards winning Poet. Her poems are translated in different languages.

Djunaidi Kenyut, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Indonesia: Djunaidi Kenyut, Ubud, Bali


Djunaidi Kenyut reflects his observation of the urban phenomenon in his daily life onto his works. Walls on the street are some of his major source of visual inspiration today. Perhaps, because when he was young, he spent his spare time as a newsboy on the city street where he found those walls full of scribbles. Some are meaningful, some are really artistic, and some are just one messy corner. But these scribbles speaks a thousand words that later become a strong part of Kenyut's journey as an artist.

Once he finished his formal study in high Surabaya High School of Fine Art (SMK11), Kenyut moved to Ubud, Bali in 2007. The creative synergy that Ubud holds has offer him a chance to do more artistic exploration. Together with his close friend, Anas Etan, he established Bledog Artspace, a non-profit arts gallery that has been used for local or international artist to exhibit their artworks since 2009.

Djunaidi Kenyut is the Representative of IMMAGINE & POESIA in Indonesia






Taraneh Ebrahimi, Tehran, Iran
Taraneh Ebrahimi, Tehran, Iran

Iran: Taraneh Ebrahimi, Tehran


 Tarane Ebrahimi was born  in 1982 in Iran. She is a painter whose work shows an exciting visual style that unites form, fluid brushstrokes, and vivid colour into a tapestry of unique inspiration. She combines dynamic movement with emotion, revealing joy and sadness in equal measures. Her work reflects how an artist is able to tap into a range of human experience.

She believes that colours are important because they symbolize human feelings and emotions.
Ebrahimi is drawn towards abstraction. She believes that the discussion of a finished piece of work becomes a dialogue with the work and the individual viewer. 


(Review done by Stefan Fiedorowicz, Artist
Oct 2010, Tehran/ Khorshid gallery, solo painting exhibition)

She is one of  the representatives  of Immagine & Poesia in Iran.






Donna McGee, Ireland (Éire)
Donna McGee, Ireland (Éire)

Ireland (Éire): Donna McGee, Dublin

Donna McGee is an Irish artist and lives in Dublin. She has had a varied career in the financial services industry. Juggling her career and with family commitments, she decided to immerse herself in her childhood passion –painting!

She is largely self-taught and has her own unique style encompassing a diverse range of influences. Her biggest inspiration is to try to capture the restless elemental forces of the Irish landscape and to celebrate its timeless beauty in her work. She aims to stimulate a sense of harmony and curiosity in the eyes of the viewer through her representational and abstract work.

She particularly enjoys the medium of oils and the build-up of rich texturized layers in her abstractions.

She is now taking a course of study in graphics and digital media. She hopes that this will extend her joy in developing her skills as an artist.

Donna McGee is the representative of Immagine & Poesia in Ireland.






Helen Bar-Lev, Israel
Helen Bar-Lev, Israel

Israel: Helen Bar-Lev, Metulla



Helen Bar-Lev was born in New York in 1942. She holds a B.A. in Anthropology. She has lived in Israel for 42 years and has held over 90 exhibitions of her landscape paintings, 33 of which were one-person shows. Her poems and artwork have appeared in numerous online and print anthologies.


Collections: Cyclamens and Swords and other poems about the land of Israel, and The Muse in the Suitcase, both with Johnmichael Simon, illustrated by Helen.  

In Moonlight the SkyWill Slide with Katherine L. Gordon.

 EVERYTHING TODAY, a not-what-you-expect book of poetry about colours with her colour illustrations, is Helen’s latest collection.

Helen is Assistant to the President of Voices Israel group of poets in English and Senior Editor of Cyclamens and Swords Publishing,

She lives in Metulla, Israel with her poet-partner Johnmichael Simon. Her two children and four grandchildren live not far away.


Helen Bar-Lev, artist, poet

Senior Editor, Cyclamens and Swords Publishing

Assistant to the President and Workshop coordinator, Voices Israel



Maki Starfield, Japan
Maki Starfield, Japan
Japan: Maki Starfield, Yokohama
Maki Starfield was born in Ehime, 1972. She earned her Master of Arts from Sophia University, and then got the diploma of International business management (post graduate)with Honors from Niagara College and the certificate of TESOL from St.George International College in Canada. She began to make haiku in 2008, where she became recipient of a prize at the 12th annual Mainichi Haiku Contest. On February of 2012, she published a new collection, “Kiss the Dragon.”
She has recently been performing as a painter as well as a poet. She participated in Design Festa Vol.40 in Tokyo Big Site in 2014 and recently contemporary art exhibitions. She won a prize at the contemporary art (kindaibijutsu) association's public recruitment exhibition in 2017.
She is a member of Japan Universal Poets Association. She is also a regular member of Sokyu and Sawa in Japanese haiku associates.


Japanese-English Bilingual Books: “Duet of Dots” co-authored with Naran Matos in 2015, “Duet of Lines” co-authored with Luca Benassi, “Trio of Crystals” co-authored with Hélène Cardona and John FitzGerald in 2017. “Trio of Gardens” co-authored with Lidia Chiarelli and Huguette Bertrand.
Maki Starfield is one of the representatives of  Immagine & Poesia in Japan.


Misako Chida, Dalian, China

JapanMisako Chida

Nationality:  Japan

Birthplace:  Yokohama, Japan

Birthday:  November 13, 1972

Currently lives in Dalian, China


2004 Dalian International Exhibition of Modern Art, Oil Paintings

2005 Group Exhibition “Passion for Life”

2008 Solo Exhibition “Angel’s Wings”

2008 Group Exhibition “Performance 8”

2010 China International Gallery Exposition


She started painting at the age of 30 on her own when she felt a gradual urge to express what her soul had contained.

After painting series of women with different emotions, landscapes, flowers, and angels, she began to search for the true purpose of expressing her feelings in the form of art.  She later realized that the life was all about love, harmony, and peace, and while having fun with experimenting and creating her art, she started to add essense of loving emotions in her works.

Her current aim is to contribute to all friends in the world by sharing love, joy, and happiness she has expressed in her works.

Misako Chida is the representative of Immagine & Poesia in China and Japan.



Basri Mekolli, Prishtina, Kosovo
Basri Mekolli, Prishtina, Kosovo

Kosovo: Basri Mekolli, Prishtina


BASRI MEKOLLI - graduated from the Faculty of Arts (Printmaking Department) in 1991, at University of Prishtina.  

In 1998 he obtained a Master of Art degree at the same University. He works as Full Professor at Printmaking Department/ Faculty of Arts - University of Prishtina - Kosova.

     Basri worked as expert for developing National Curricula of Arts and author of two school Art books. Was member of the Jury of the VII Internatinal Print Biennial - Tetova 2008 and lectured in Facultad De Bellas Artes, University of Complutence/ Madrid/ Spain.

   Basri was Kosova’s representatives of the International Conference on TEMPUS Project / Zagreb – Croatia and took part in Tamarind Institute Symposium in Albuquerque at University of New Mexico, USA.

       He is member of  Kosova Art Association and among Worlds Artists Commanduci Universal Dictionary/ Italy. Basri won many prizes in and abroad and took part in more than 60 International Print Biennials among Five Continents.

Basri Mekolli's works have been showns in solo and group exhibitions in Kosovo and abroad since 1978.


He is the representative of Immagine & Poesia in Kosovo.





Nadezda Krivohizina, Daugavpils, Latvia
Nadezda Krivohizina, Daugavpils, Latvia

Latvia: Nadezda Krivohizina, Daugavpils


Nadezda Krivohizina was born in Daugavpils (Latvia). She attended Daugavpils University. She has worked as a free artist since 2000. For her pictures she uses different techniques  and different styles (realism, impressionism and abstraction). Since 2004 she has started to study icons painting and has tried to paint  icons using the ancient masters' rules. In her works she follows the  traditions and canons of Orthodox icon painting.

Her art works are in private collections in Latvia, Sweden, Poland, Great Britan. Her works have been shown  in group and personal exhibitions in Latvia and abroad.

Nadezda Krivohizina is one of the representatives of Immagine & Poesia in Latvia.

Personal exhibitions:

2009 - the Exhibition of art and icon painting " Nocturne". The Daugavpils district and art museum (Latvia).

2008 - the Exhibition of art and icon painting " Hope, faith and love". The Daugavpils centre of the Russian culture. Daugavpils (Latvia).

2005 - the Exhibition of art and graphics arts. The Daugavpils centre of rehabilitation and social developmet. Daugavpils (Latvia)




