"Road to Heaven" poem by Aeronwy Thomas, U.K. Painting by Tonel Ngwenya, Zimbabwe

(copyright Tonel Ngwenya,  Zimbabwe)
(copyright Tonel Ngwenya, Zimbabwe)


Link: http://www.look4design.co.uk/art/pages/gallery.asp?company_id=704



The signpost reads “HEAVEN”

I get distracted – food, flowers

Wine, women and song

You know…

Take the road running parallel

Pedal along happily,

With a glass in

One hand, neatly balancing

A lady hiker on the handlebar

Rather a feat I think

Until a pothole appears

And all goes flying

The lady into a bush

While quickly I finish my drink

Before turning a somersault

My bike in a tow like

A circus performer.

The lady claps from her

Ringside seat

And I land safe the other side

Buckling a fender

But through the green

On the verge I’ve seen

The road I should be on

And leaving the tempting

Roadside café, the siren song

Of the birds and the lady in the bush

The pretty celandines underfoot

(I hadn’t noticed them before)

I pedal even faster

Ignoring it all

Take a at dizzying speed

The next turning to Heaven

And once on the right road

Keep on pedalling.





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