"Waiting for Monet" poem by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy. "The Taste of Morning... after Monet (Poplars)", artwork by Adel Gorgy, USA

Background music setting by Norbert Oldani, USA



(copyright Adel Gorgy)
(copyright Adel Gorgy)

Cross-Cultural Communications Art and Poetry Series Broadsides #75



J’ai peint aujourd’hui au son de la musique:

Bordighera était en fête…et les échos m’arrivaient sous les palmiers.


Claude Monet

Bordighera, 26 février 1884


Harmonies of colors and lights

that once

dazzled Monet.


We breathe

the fresh fragrances of spring

on this late April morning


antique roses and white magnolias

peach blossoms

palm trees and lemons


( les pêchers mêlés

aux palmiers, aux citronniers…)


Sudden, playful

the notes of a band

reach us

awaken distant emotions.


The brush

slips lightly

on canvas

and we stay here

to tell

once more

the sweet enchantment

of a timeless garden.



Lidia Chiarelli


Bordighera, Villa Pompeo Mariani,

April 25 2014



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