Dear Ms. Chiarelli Actis,
My colleagues and I gratefully acknowledge the generous gift of
Immagine & Poesia and I Colori delle Parole.
developing the Library’s resources.
Denise Hibay
Susan and Douglas Dillon Head of Collection Development
In accordance with Federal income tax law we inform you that no goods or services were provided in return for your charitable contribution to the library.
Materials given to the Library are subject to the Library’s “Policy on Gift Materials”, which can be found at www.nypl.org. The Library reserves the right to use or dispose of unsolicited materials in any manner it deems appropriate.
Biblioteca Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, La Paz ( Entre Rios) - Argentina |
Buen día, en nombre de la Biblioteca Popular Sarmiento de la ciudad de La Paz ( Entre Rios) queremos agradecer la donación del libro "Immagine & Poesía" , quedando a su disposición le saludamos atentamente.
Comisión Directiva Biblioteca Sarmiento
09 de abril 2014