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The sun the sun
comes round the corner
like a shining knight of old
awakens us to speak or sing
to banish death and darkness
(from: Dictionaries of Light, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti)
As usual we like to start the e books of Immagine & Poesia reporting Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s words, words full of light, the sun light.
Our 6th anthology is a very special edition, created to celebrate Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s 100th birthday:
Poets and the Artists from different countries of the 5 continents - with their poetry and art works - have helped us to create this little jewel with excellent poems and beautiful images.
Poets and Artists are natural bearers of light
Ferlinghetti says in another poem and each and every page in this e book is a real moment of light, a step towards Peace.
Special thanks to Lawrence Ferlinghetti and to Agneta Falk Hirschman whose contributions open this e book, to Giada Diano whose help was precious and fundamental to keep us in touch with our Great Poet, Mauro Aprile Zanetti, Ferlinghetti’s assistant (to whom we entrust this publication with the task of presenting it to Ferlinghetti) and thanks to all of you, dear Artists and Poets, who have made this special edition possible with your enthusiastic support.
Huguette Bertrand editors – éditrices Lidia Chiarelli
44 Countries represented by poets and artists
44 Pays représentés par poètes et artistes
1. Argentina – Argentine
2. Amenia - Arménie
3. Australia – Australie
4. Azerbaijan - Azerbaïdjan
5. Barhain – Bahreïn
6. Belgium - Belgique
7. Brazil – Brésil
8. Cameroon - Cameroun
9. Canada
10. China – Chine
11. France
12. Greece – Grèce
13. Egypt - Égypte
14. India – Inde
15. Iran
16. Israel - Israël
17. Italy – Italie
18. Japan - Japon
19. Malta – Malte
20. Mexico - Mexique
21. Mongolia - Mongolie
22. Morocco - Maroc
23. Mauritius – Ile Maurice
24. Netherlands – Pays Bas
25. Norway - Norvège
26. Pakistan
27. Philippines
28. Poland – Pologne
29. Portugal
30. Romania – Roumanie
31. Russia – Russie
32. Singapore
33. South Korea – Corée du Sud
34. Spain - Espagne
35. Syria – Syrie
36. Taiwan
37. Thailand – Thaïlande
38. Turkey – Turquie
39. U.K. – Royaume-Uni
40. Ukraine
41. U.S.A – États-Unis
42. Venezuela – Vénézuéla
43. Vietnam - Viêt Nam
44. Zimbabwe