IMMAGINE & POESIA E BOOK 2022 - Volume 8

IMMAGINE & POESIA 2022 - Volume 8 - Free Download
Since 2016 American Poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, with the help of Giada Diano and Mauro Aprile Zanetti, has led us in our projects where Poetry meets Art, for five years he has sent his contributions to our ebooks showing how Artists and Poets can be the natural bearers of LIGHT. For this reason Immagine & Poesia Anthology 2022 is dedicated to Lawrence Ferlinghetti: this volume 8, although free theme, contains several poems dedicated to him and opens and closes with a poem for him, as once again each and every page in this ebook can be seen as a real moment of LIGHT towards a new dawn, out of the dark tunnel where the viral pandemic has confined us for so long.
Huguette Bertrand - Editor-in-Chief - Lidia Chiarelli co-editor
Immagine & Poesia 2022.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 7.4 MB

Participating Countries

Lawrence Ferlighetti said: Poets and Painters are the natural bearers of light 


In this Anthology

 140 Artists/Poets meet to bear LIGHT and build bridges of Peace and Solidarity  



54 Participating Countries from the 5 Continents


1.      Algeria

2.      Argentina

3.      Australia

4.      Austria

5.      Bahrain

6.      Bangladesh

7.      Belgium

8.      Bolivia

9.      Brazil

10.  Cameroon

11.  Canada

12.  Cape Verde

13.  China

14.  France

15.  Germany

16.  Greece

17.  Hungary

18.  India

19.  Ireland

20.  Israel

21.  Italy

22.  Jamaica

23.  Japan

24.  Malta

25.  Mauritius

26.  Mexico

27.  Mongolia

28.  Montenegro

29.  Morocco

30.  Netherlands

31.  Nepal

32.  New Zealand

33.  North Macedonia

34.  Oman

35.  Pakistan

36.  Philippines

37.  Poland

38.  Portugal

39.  Romania

40.  Russia

41.  Serbia

42.  Singapore

43.  South Korea

44.  Spain

45.  Switzerland

46.  Tajikistan

47.  Thailand

48.  Tunisia

49.  Turkey

50.  UK

51.  Ukraine

52.  United Arab Emirates

53.  United States of America 

54.  Vietnam


ACC Huifeng Literature Publishes 140 Poets' Poetry - China

Comments - Feedback

Xanthi Hondrou, Greece


The pictures and the texts are very high level quality!I am stunned by the beauty of this anthology,

I have already read more than half the book.

It is truly an honor to be in this collection!
Thank you for including me!

Wishing you ALL the SUCCESS!!!


Patricia  Holt, Big Sur, California, USA


Bravo on yet another inspired collection! I am really impressed and enthused by the variety of poets and artists from so many countries and with such talent. It is encouraging in these times to see such "light" shining, and ever gratitude for providing the opportunity for so many poets and artists to be heard and seen throughout the world!


Adel and Mary Gorgy,Marsha Salomon, Long Island, USA


A thousand thanks and a million congratulations on the 2022 ebook!!! It is amazing.  So many great artists and poets - bravissima to its spectacular editors.  It's the biggest volume so far!  

Thank you so much for including our work. We are always delighted to be part of such a special work of art.


 Chris Buck, USA


It is an honor to be included. Thank you Huguette Bertrand and Lidia Chiarelli. And thank you to Lorenzo Ferlinghetti for letting me share the most intimate of details: his first memory or image of life, shared here in the final poem in this Int’l collection.


Candice James, Canada


So very, very beautiful..  I am proud to be included in this wonderful creative work.  I have shared it on facebook and will also continue to share it on social media and through email.


Caroline Gill, UK


Grazie per  the ebook. It looks a stellar publication, and I find it exciting and humbling to be included alongside Jongo’s art in such a wonderfully international anthology. It is such a fitting tribute to Lawrence Ferlinghetti, whose poems have touched so many of us. 

Grazie mille for all the hard work that you have invested in this project. 



Anna Keiko, China


Your online magazine is so beautiful.
The magazine will be published in China, I will publish it in Huifeng Literature Network.
Thank you very much for your beautiful painting.


Vittorio Venuti, Italia


Davvero una bella antologia, molto elegante, ricca e di alto profilo. 

Fa piacere esserci. 



Sue Zhu, New Zealand


Such a nice anthology edited by Immagine & Poesia. Feel proud of being the part of it.

Now published in China: 


Neal and Elaine Whitman, USA


The 2022 e-book is a treasure trove of poetry and art.

What a wonderful gift to the world!


 Sylvia Adjabroux, France


Merci 1000 fois  pour ce beau partage poétique et artistique

que je vais  vite imprimer  pour pouvoir partager autour de moi

cette merveilleuse édition de magnifiques poèmes et d'oeuvres d'art

dont je suis fière d'y avoir participer et j'ai hâte de découvrir le travail des autres artistes. Vive la poésie, vive l'Art et vive la Vie.


Hanna Supetran, Philippines


Thank you so much and congratulations for this amazing awesome beyond words project!


 Matt Mooney, Ireland


A delightful production on the world stage!


A great read.



Princess Eden Trinidad, Philippines/Birland


It's very classy poetry book. Very enticing indeed.


Imma Schiena, Italia


Ogni artista brilla di un sua luce propria. Grazie. Sono onorata di fare parte di questo progetto internazionale dedicato al grande Ferlinghetti.


Tonia Poetry, Italia/USA


Congrats to all bearers of light. Honored to be a spark of light within! Thank you both, Lidia Chiarelli and Huguette Bertrand for reaching out and for your precious work.


Nino Provenzano, USA



Onorato di far parte di questa importante opera internazionale in onore del grande Ferlinghetti


Ulises Paniagua Olivares, Mexico


A beautiful book. Thanks a lot. Poetry in the world. Poetry for the world.


Nathalie Dupont, Canada


Félicitationsà tous, artistes et éditeurs, l'art et la poésie nous transportent!


Cristina Codazza, Italia


Grazie di Cuore per la splendida opera che avete creato con passione ed estro infiniti ed di cui è sempre un piacere indicibile far parte. Un'opera monumentale che ha in sé il profumo della condivisione internazionale, umana ed artistica, ed il chiaro seme del Futuro! Grazie, grazie davvero con tutta la mia ammirazione! 

Un'opera emozionante dal concepimento alla realizzazione!! 


Maristella Angeli, Italia

Grazie a voi, avete svolto un prezioso lavoro. Bravissimi tutti i portatori di luce



Lucie Poirier, Canada


Je viens de prendre connaissance du volume 8 et je suis très impressionnée, ébahie même par la qualité de cette parution.

Les œuvres sont diversifiées mais me semblent toutes, sans concertation, proclamer la vie.

C'est vraiment, malgré les temps adverses, une importance accordée à l'art dans ses manifestations de beauté.

Je me permets de signaler que je ressens une profonde fierté d'y avoir participé. Un grand Bravo pour un résultat aussi superbe.


Natalie Bisso, Russia


  Опубликована великолепная работа Lidia Chiarelli и её соратников, книга:

«Поэты и живописцы – естественные носители света»

Лоуренс Ферлингетти (24 марта 1919 — 22 февраля 2021)

Редакция, дизайн и вся работа: Lidia Chiarelli, Giada Diano, Mauro Aprile Zanetti, Huguette Bertrand.

Очень красочная книга, хорошо составлена, тщательно подобраны стихи и картины. В Книге собраны шедевры 140 поэтов мира, на 57 странице есть и мои стихи.

Дорогая Лидия и Весь редакторский коллектив! Спасибо огромное за великолепную работу.


I want to thank again for the wonderful work on the ebook.

 Ваша прекрасная книга действительно - Шедевр на века.

Пусть Ваш прекрасный проект-кораблик никогда не тонет!


 Hayat Ait-Boujounoui, France



Bonjour chères Lidia and Huguette

Je suis tellement contente de faire partie de cette anthologie.

Je me dis que la poésie est un plus dans le monde souvent violent et si j'écris, c'est surtout pour un certain apaisement que je souhaite vivre et communiquer...

 Quand je pense que Lidia vit en Italie, et qu'Huguette est au Canada, que je suis en France et que les autres participants de ce 8ème volume que vous venez de publiez viennent de tous les continents m'enchante très sincèrement. Je me dis qu'on réussit à faire preuve de beauté, de paix et de sensibilité dans le monde et que peu à peu la poésie saura faire son chemin dans la littérature


 Juliet Preston, USA



My sincere gratitude to Lidia Chiarelli and Huguette Bertrand for their commitment to promote Art and Poetry around the world!

What are we if not an island without Art and Poetry in life?


Glória Sofia, Cape Verde


Estou tão feliz por ter participado neste projeto... Obrigada para as pessoas que ajudaram-me.

