"Limuni" poem by Stanley H. Barkan, NY. Translation into Sicilian by Marco Scalabrino, Trapani, Italy

("Alba sul Mare - Limoni", painting by Gianpiero Actis, Torino, Italy)



 Credits: "LIMUNI" by Stanley H. Barkan (translation by Marco Scalabrino) is published in "RAISINS WITH ALMONDS  - PASSULI CU MENNULI", LEGAS PUBLISHING -  NY/ Ontario  Canada -  2013


by Stanley H. Barkan

Pumadoru! Nèspuli! Limuni!”

cries the Sicilian fruit vendor

as he pulls his fruit-filled cart

over the broken stones

of the streets of Trapani.

Aphrodite rises out of the clouds

at the peak of Erice,

her lemon breasts throbbing

at the sight of visitors

seeking her ancient cure.

No, she will not speak again.

The times of gods and goddesses

are gone with the scirocco.

But the round yellow fruits

blossom all the spring long,

so numerous they fall unpicked

upon the mythic earth.

Basketsful are gathered

only from the fallen fruits

perhaps to sweeten the water.

No one picks them from the branches,

fresh from the trees in Everyone’s garden,

so sweetly nippled waiting for a kiss.


adattamento in dialetto siciliano

di Marco Scalabrino

“Pumadoru! Nespuli! Limuni!”

abbannìa l’omu strati strati

mentri ammutta tra scaffi vecchi e novi

lu so carrettu chinu d’ogni beni.

Di lu pizzu di Erici umitusu,

Veneri bidduna s’arrusbìgghia

e abballarìa, pi sbriu di li turisti,

li minni soi divini, sempiterni.

Ma nun parra.

Chì li tempi di li Dei

si ni jeru, oramai

cu lu sciloccu.

E ntantu ssi frutti tunni e gialli

chi spuntanu abbunnanti e nuddu cogghi

purriti tummulìanu a li soi pedi,

a carteddi, pi nzuccarari l’acqua.

Nuddu chiù l’ascippa di li rami.

Nuddu chiù, frischi nna l’arvuli,

affùncia a ssi capicchi duri e duci


chi nun aspettanu autru chi … un vasuni.

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